NBM Managing Service|データベースの開発・構築ならデジログへ



NBM Managing Service

NBM Managing Service

Customers of the individual information and sales information, to manage the various history information in a total manner, we have built in consideration of the fact that take advantage of the customer service.

*“NBM”=all shopping that is not done at traditional brick and mortar stores, including mail orders as well as purchases online and by telephone)

We provide customers with consultations based on IT, plans, proposals, need analyses, DB designs, system structures. We also prove System Operation Support and Operation Monitoring (more on different page).
We have gained customer trust with our advanced developmental skills and our well prepared support structure.

Our On-Line Customer Relationship Management System “OLCR” offers capabilities beyond general non-brick and mortar systems.
In addition to the management of customer information and sales information, our OLCR handles customer relationship history in a comprehensive manner for improved customer care.
From ordering, delivering, payment, to cooling-off or cancellation, processing needs to be accurate and timely.
These functions are necessary for general non-brick and mortar systems too, but our system makes it possible for the operators to systematically confirm analog information such as customer’s past history, inquires, consultations, and complaints to enable smooth correspondence with each customers.
This is reflected in the name OLCR (On-Line Customer Relationship).
Currently, the WEB version is under development. We will be able to offer the same functions to small start-up users as well. (Expected to go into service in July, 2012)


Our On-Line Customer Relationship Management System“OLCR”

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